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Top 15 Web Hosting Company in India 2024

Published By Akankshaglasses07 Jun, 2024
Top 15 Web Hosting Company in India 2024

Selecting the right web hosting providers in India is critical for the success of your website. There are many web hosting Company in India, but not all of them are created equal.

In this day and age, it's important for any online business to have a trusted web hosting company. The best web hosting service can make all the difference for any type of website, from fun blogs to online shops to business sites.

This detailed guide will look at the best web hosting companies in 2024, describing their features, benefits, and what makes them stand out in such a crowded market.

When choosing a web hosting company, consider the following criteria

  • Uptime Guarantee: Look for a company that offers at least a 99.9% uptime guarantee.
  • Speed and Performance: Ensure the hosting service provides fast loading times and optimal performance.
  • Customer Support: Check for 24/7 customer support with multiple contact options.
  • Security Features: Look for robust security measures, including SSL certificates, firewalls, and malware protection.
  • Scalability: Ensure the hosting service can grow with your website's needs.
  • Pricing: Compare pricing plans to find one that fits your budget without compromising on quality.

Top 15 Web Hosting Companies in 2024

These Top 15 Web Hosting Company in India offer a suitable balance between cost and the features/resources you require.

Here are List of Most Top Web hosting Company in India




4.A2 Hosting

5.InMotion Hosting


7.GoDaddy India


9.Liquid Web


11.AccuWeb Hosting




15. WP Engine


Web Hosting Company in India

Bluehost is a popular choice for both beginners and expert webmasters. Known for its reliability and excellent customer support, Bluehost offers a range of hosting options to fit different needs.

Key Features:

  • Free Domain: Includes a free domain name for the first year.
  • 1-Click WordPress Install: Easy installation of WordPress with a single click.
  • 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock customer support via phone, chat, and email.
  • Enhanced Security: Free SSL certificate and advanced security features.

2. SiteGround :web hosting company 

best Web Hosting Company in India

SiteGround is renowned for its exceptional customer service and high-performance hosting options. It is a recommended choice for WordPress hosting.

Key Features:

  • Managed WordPress Hosting: Optimized for WordPress with automatic updates and enhanced security.
  • Daily Backups: Automated daily backups to protect your data.r
  • SuperCacher: Advanced caching technology for faster loading times.
  • 24/7 Support: Expert support available at all times.

3. HostGator: web hosting company

Web Hosting Company

HostGator offers a wide range of hosting services, from shared hosting to private servers. It is known for its affordability and user-friendly design.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited Storage and Bandwidth: Generous resources for your website.
  • Free Website Builder: Easy-to-use website builder with drag-and-drop functionality.
  • 45-Day Money-Back Guarantee: Risk-free trial period.
  • 24/7 Support: Reliable customer support via phone, chat, and email.

4. A2 Hosting

Web Hosting Company in India

A2 Hosting is known for its speed and efficiency. It offers a variety of hosting choices, including shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting. 

Key Features:

  • Turbo Servers: Up to 20x faster loading times with Turbo servers.
  • Free Site Migration: Free migration service to transfer your website.
  • Anytime Money-Back Guarantee: Flexible refund policy.
  • 24/7 Support: Expert support available around the clock.

5. InMotion Hosting

Website Hosting Company in India

InMotion Hosting offers reliable and high-performance hosting solutions. It is a great choice for businesses of all sizes.

Key Features:

  • Free Domain and SSL: Includes a free domain and SSL certificate.
  • Unlimited Email Accounts: Create unlimited email accounts with your domain.
  • 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee: Extended refund period.
  • 24/7 Support: Comprehensive customer support via phone, chat, and email.

6. BigRock:  web hosting company 

web hosting provider in india

BigRock is a popular web hosting provider in India that offers a range of hosting services, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. known for its fast, reliable servers, user-friendly interface, and competitive prices. They also provide a number of tools and features that can help businesses create and effectively manage their websites.

Key Features:

  •  Unlimited Domains, Email, and Disk Space: Provides ample resources for users.
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee: Ensures reliable website availability.
  • 24/7 Technical Support: Provides dedicated assistance.
  • cPanel/Plesk Control Panel: User-friendly website management and administration.
  • CMS and Plugin Compatibility: Supports popular CMS systems

7. GoDaddy India

 Beat web hosting provider in india

GoDaddy India is a well-known web hosting provider that offers a range of hosting services, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated servers. known for its user-friendly interface, reliable servers, and 24/7 customer support. They also provide a variety of tools and features to help businesses build and grow their online presence.

Key Features:

  • Free domain name for the first year with most hosting plans
  • Free SSL certificate included to secure your website
  • Daily backups to protect your website data
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee for reliable website performance

8. Hostinger: web hosting company

website hosting provider in india

Hostinger is a budget-friendly web hosting company known for its excellent performance and customer support. It offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting.

Key Features:

  • Fast support: Hostinger claims to answer every support ticket in under 30 minutes, 24/7
  • Fast speed: Hostinger uses LiteSpeed web servers and the LSCache plugin to improve website loading speeds.
  • Free website migration: Hostinger provides a free automatic website migration tool to transfer your existing site to their platform.
  • Intuitive control panel: Hostinger's hPanel control panel is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for beginners.

9. Liquid Web: web hosting company

 best website hosting provider in india

Liquid Web is a premium web hosting company known for its excellent performance and customer support. It offers a variety of hosting plans, including managed WordPress hosting, VPS, and dedicated hosting.

Key Features:

  • Managed Hosting ServicesHandles server setup, monitoring, maintenance, security.
  • 100% Uptime Guarantee: Demonstrates uninterrupted service for businesses and e-commerce sites.
  • High-Performance SolutionsAdvanced server technology.

10. InterServer: Web Hosting Company

web hosting services in india

InterServer is a budget-friendly web hosting company known for its reliable uptime and excellent customer support. It offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting.

Key Features:

  • Low Pricing: Starting at $2.50 per month.
  • Price Lock Guarantee: No price increase upon renewal.
  • Unlimited Resources: Includes storage, bandwidth, and email accounts.
  • High Performance: Fast website loading speeds and exceptional performance.
  • Free Security Tools: Includes firewall, malware scanning, and DDoS protection.
  • Reliable Infrastructure: Operates its own data centers.

11. AccuWeb Hosting: web hosting company

website hosting services in india

AccuWeb Hosting is a well-established web hosting company known for its excellent performance and customer support. It offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting.

Key Features:

  • Serves a diverse client base, catering to individual bloggers and large corporations.
  •  Offers 24/7 customer support by experienced technical experts.
  •  Known for high-speed, reliable performance using state-of-the-art technology in global data centers.
  • Prioritizes advanced security measures for uptime, low latency, and data protection.
  • Offers affordable pricing starting as low as $3.49 per month for shared cloud hosting.


 best web hosting services in india

DreamHost is a well-established hosting provider known for its reliability and excellent customer support.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited Bandwidth: No limits on traffic to your website.
  • Free Domain: Includes a free domain name for the first year.

13. GreenGeeks: Web Hosting Company

website hosting services in india

GreenGeeks is an eco-friendly web hosting company that offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting. It is known for its excellent performance and customer support.

Key Features:

  • Committed to sustainability, offsetting 300% of energy consumption through renewable energy credits.
  • Utilizes LiteSpeed web servers, claimed to be 50 times faster than Apache, for fast website loading speeds.
  •  Performs daily backups of customer websites for easy data restoration.
  • Offers competitive pricing, with the Lite shared hosting plan starting at $2.95 per month on a 36-month term.
  • Offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for customers to try their hosting risk-free.

14. iPage

web hosting services in india

iPage is a budget-friendly web hosting company known for its reliable uptime and excellent customer support. It offers a variety of hosting plans, including shared, VPS, and dedicated hosting.

Key Features:

  • Unlimited Disk Space: Allows users to store website data without storage limitations.
  • Scalable Bandwidth: Provides scalable bandwidth to accommodate varying website traffic levels.
  • Unlimited Domain Names: Allows hosting of multiple domains under one account.
  •  Unlimited MySQL Databases: Allows creation of unlimited MySQL databases for all hosted websites.
  •  Free Domain for 1 Year: New iPage accounts come with a free domain registration for the first year.

15. WP Engine: Web Hosting Company

best hosting in india

WP Engine is a premium managed WordPress hosting provider known for its excellent performance and customer support. It offers a variety of hosting plans tailored specifically for WordPress websites.

Key Features:

  • 1-Click Staging: Enables users to test changes and push them to the live site.
  •  EverCache: Provides lightning-fast speeds despite traffic increases.
  • Global CDN: Ensures peak performance globally with over 200 points of presence.
  • Automated Updates: Keeps sites current and secure with hassle-free WordPress and PHP updates.

Key Features to Look for in a Web Hosting Company

When evaluating web hosting companies, consider the following key features:

Performance and Uptime

  • Server Speed: Fast server speeds ensure quick loading times, improving user experience and SEO rankings.
  • Uptime Guarantee: Look for hosts that offer at least a 99.9% uptime guarantee to minimize downtime.

Security Features

  • SSL Certificates: Essential for encrypting data and ensuring secure connections.
  • DDoS Protection: Protects your website from distributed denial-of-service attacks.
  • Regular Backups: Automated backups ensure your data is safe and can be restored if needed.

Customer Support

  • 24/7 Support: Round-the-clock support is crucial for resolving issues promptly.
  • Multiple Channels: Look for hosts that offer support via phone, email, and live chat.


  • Flexible Plans: Choose a host that offers a range of plans to accommodate your website's growth.
  • Easy Upgrades: Seamless upgrades ensure your website can handle increased traffic and resource demands.


Likewise, choosing the right web hosting company is essential for the success of your website. Similarly, the top 15 web hosting Company in India mentioned in this article offer a range of hosting services to cater to different needs and budgets.

Only, remember to also assess your specific requirements and future growth plans. By selecting a reputable and reliable web hosting company, you can ensure that your website performs optimally and provides a seamless experience for your visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions about Web Hosting Company

Q. Which web host is fastest?

The key factors that contribute to these hosts' speed include the use of SSD storage, LiteSpeed web servers, advanced caching mechanisms, global CDNs, and optimized WordPress hosting environments. Ultimately, the fastest host depends on your specific needs and budget, but these providers consistently rank among the speediest options available.

Q. Which hosting is best in India?

Best Web Hosting Providers in India (2024)

  • Our Top Picks.
  •  Hostinger.
  •  Bluehost.
  •  GreenGeeks.
  •  HostGator.
Q. Which type of hosting is best?

The search results highlight that Hostinger offers the best overall value, features, and performance for hosting websites in India. Other top hosting providers mentioned include HostPapa, Bluehost, A2 Hosting, and DreamHost, but Hostinger is consistently ranked as the #1 choice.

Q. Which is the No 1 hosting company in India?

The No 1 hosting company in India is Hostinger. It is considered the best overall web hosting provider in India due to its incredibly budget-friendly plans, excellent site performance, innovative Hpanel for easy management, unlimited bandwidth, global server locations, advanced security options, and a free domain name.

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