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Can I Use One GST Number for Multiple Businesses?

Published By Shashiglasses01 May, 2024
Can I Use One GST Number for Multiple Businesses?

Do you run or plan to start different companies? Then a common question arises - can I Use One GST Number for Multiple Businesses? As a fellow entrepreneur, I understand this curiosity to simplify operations. When it comes to using a single GST number for different companies, Indian tax law has certain guidelines to follow.  Even though combining registrations offers advantages, getting separate ones may be necessary depending on your case. In this article, I aim to elucidate the GST rules around this topic using plain language.

Firstly, let's look at whether combining registrations is legally possible. After that, I'll explain when you can do it and the key criteria to qualify. Furthermore, we'll examine the upsides as well as limitations to weigh. Finally, some frequently asked questions will be answered to cover all bases. Here is a simple table to show the GST rates applicable for different categories of goods and services as per the Indian GST slabs:

Category GST   Rate
Essential items 0%
Raw materials, industrial inputs 0-5%
Consumer goods with basic necessities 5%
Consumer durables, home appliances 12%
Consumer goods with minor luxuries 18%
Luxury and sin goods like cigarettes, aerated drinks 28%
Precious metals like gold 3%
Some key points to note:
  • Essentials like foodgrains and fresh fruits/vegetables are GST exempt at 0%.
  • Capital goods and inputs used for further manufacture attract 0-5% GST.
  • Processed food, toiletries, household goods, etc. fall under the 5% slab for basic needs.
  • Consumer electronics and home goods come under the 12% slab as the general mass consumption category.
  • Consumer goods with a slightly premium appeal like chocolates, and other packaged snacks are taxed at 18%.
  • Luxury cars, high-end electronics, tobacco, and aerated drinks attract the highest 28% GST rate.

Is It Legally Possible?

The use of a single GST number for multiple businesses depends on specific conditions. The GST Council and Indian tax law allow the registration of multiple company locations or divisions under one PAN-based GST registration number, subject to certain prerequisites.

However, there are scenarios where separate registrations are mandatory, even if the promoters or proprietors are the same. Therefore, while a consolidated GST number is possible under predefined conditions, a uniform solution may not be applicable in all cases.

Consequently, let us delve deeper into examining the detailed guidelines governing this issue. By exploring the exact qualifications transparently, we can gain a clearer understanding of how to legally comply with registrations for multiple companies using either single or multiple GST registration identities. If you want to know about the process for filling Then you should go for it GST Registration Process (Step-by-Step).


To integrate your various shops/outlets under a unitary taxation structure, here is what you need to do:


First, log on to your GST portal account. Under the 'Registration' tab, locate the 'Registration Amendment' section.

Next, select the option to modify your registration details. This will allow you to expand your taxable presence.

Now, click the button that says 'Add supplementary location'. You'll see fields to enter the required particulars of the new place of operation.

Fill in the address, activity type, and effective date appropriately.

Take care to map the branch to your parent GSTIN accurately. Once done, navigate to the inventories section. List out the goods or services dealt with at this node, along with their codes. Move forward and enter banking and state-level license information as applicable for said place. Finally, read through everything once more for consistency. Tick the verification checkbox before sending it online with your DSC.

When Can You Legally Use One GST Number for Multiple Businesses?

As per the GST law, you are allowed to obtain a single GST registration for multiple business verticals or places of business if they meet the following qualifying conditions:
  • The businesses must have the same PAN number.
  • The businesses must be located within the same state. So a single GST number can cover your outlets only within one state, not across different states.
  • The businesses must fall under the same risk category as determined by the GST Department. The compliance level and tax risks should be similar.
  • The businesses must be involved in the supply of same/similar goods and services. For example, you cannot club together an apparel company and a software firm using one GSTIN.
So in summary, if you own or manage different companies located within a state that deals with related products/services and pose equal tax compliance risk - then yes, combining them under one registration number is compliant as per law.

What Are the Benefits of Using One GST Number for Multiple Businesses?

Now that we know the criteria, let's explore some of the advantages of opting for a consolidated GST number:


  • Simplified compliance: With a single registration, you only have to file one monthly/quarterly GST return instead of separate returns for each firm. This saves time and paperwork.
  • Lower compliance cost: Related tasks like registration, bookkeeping, invoice generation, etc. become more streamlined, bringing your compliance expenditures down.
  • Increased working capital efficiency: Since taxes are paid via a single number, you have better cash flow visibility and control over fund management across businesses.
  • Better utilization of input credits: Goods and services procured by one unit/branch can be seen as supplies for another. This maximizes access to Input Tax Credit.
  • Uniform business image: A unified brand presence with a single GSTIN registration number and tax invoices makes operations look more organized to clients and vendors.
So in terms of administration, cost savings, and cash flow optimization - using one GST registration can provide various benefits if your companies qualify.

Limitations to Consider When Using a Single GST Number

long with upsides, there are also a few drawbacks to be aware of:


Firstly, each business will collectively be accountable and liable for any compliance failures or tax dues of other businesses under the registration number.

Secondly, you lose transparency in the financial performance of independent businesses. Their revenues and expenditures cannot individually be monitored for internal reporting purposes. Thirdly, expanding operations beyond one state in the future will necessitate migrating to multiple GSTINs owing to geographic restrictions.

Furthermore, business restructuring like asset transfers between firms becomes intricate since they are essentially transferring assets to themselves only. Lastly, high compliance risk exists if the activities of member firms change over time and give up the original criteria used to obtain consolidated registration.

Therefore, while a single GSTIN offers conveniences, it may not always fit your evolving business or risk appetite owing to such trapped liability and lack of ring-fencing issues. Careful evaluation is imperative.

How Do You Determine the Right Choice for Your Situation?

With both favorable and limiting aspects to weigh, here are a few questions to help decide whether to go for combined or separate GST registrations:

Initially, are the nature and locations of all businesses consistent presently as well as in the foreseeable future?

Secondly, what is the volume of intra-firm transactions likely to be? Will input credits be optimally utilized?

Next, how complex are the current compliance requirements for individual firms? Also, how is the overall tax position and risk profile of each business vertically?

Furthermore, do financial statements and compliance history need to be independently audited? Lastly, are there any restructuring possibilities on the horizon involving asset transfers? Taking all these factors into account activity mix, compliance complexity, risk assessment, and strategic flexibility - choose the registration structure that optimally aligns with your current and long-term business needs.


In conclusion, yes it is possible to use one GST number for multiple businesses or locations. The GST regime allows assessees to consolidate their tax compliance by bringing together their various firms, outlets or trades under one registration. Furthermore, by following the simple amendment process on the GST portal, businesses can efficiently manage tax obligations for all their units collectively. As a result, it saves time and effort of maintaining separate registrations. Similarly, utilizing one common GSTIN delivers benefits like reduced compliance burden, seamless input tax credits and simplified returns filing.

However, the businesses must ensure proper maintenance of accounts to distinguish transactions of each place of operation. Likewise, the entire process is completely online and does not require any physical paperwork or movement. Consequently, once approved, multiple businesses operate as a single taxable entity. This facility offers tremendous convenience to multilocation organizations. Commrz is committed to walking young businesses through administrative formalities as they embark on their entrepreneurial journeys. While GST adherence is inevitable over the long run, some fledgling companies need not sign up instantly. These startups are free to test market potential and build an online customer base without involving themselves in taxation workflows straightaway.

How to Create Your Own Website on commrz

Are you a business owner waiting to unlock your online potential? As India’s leading digital marketplace commrz is ready to help you establish an engaging online presence without any hassles.

In just 5 simple steps, you can start selling to customers across India:

  1. Sign Up: Visit;and enter your details to register for a free seller account.
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  3. List Your Inventory: Use our easy upload tool to add photos and details of each product/service you offer.
  4. Accept Payments: commrz;seamlessly integrates popular payment gateways for safe, secure transactions.
  5. Start Selling: Once live, your store can be found via search and promoted using our marketing tools.

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Similarly, the builder grants absolute control over websites through its user-friendly interface. 


Q. Can one GST be used for multiple business?

Yes, it is possible to use one GST number for multiple businesses, provided they meet certain conditions, such as existing in the same state and not being registered under the GST Composition Scheme

Q. Can I use my friends GST number for my business?

No, you cannot use your friend's GST number for your business without their prior approval

Q. How many GST number can a person have?

A person can have multiple GST numbers, as each business vertical or branch can be registered under a single PAN in each state or union territory

Q. Can I run 2 businesses from the same premises?

Yes, it is possible to run two businesses from the same premises, as long as it is not illegal or detrimental to the businesses.

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